The mighty, mighty Templars are the elite athletes, young professionals, and aspiring success stories responsible for The Temple’s published content. They’re the fitness trainers in your corner of the ring as you fight the battle of the bulge. They’re the life coaches supplying the tips and tricks to boost productivity and climb the corporate ladder. Most importantly, they’re the building blocks for our community’s success. They’re here to share their passion for fitness, nutrition, and life hacks through high quality articles and forum discussions.
Each of our writers is free-range and certified organic. Furthermore, the whole dang team is on-call to answer your questions and provide you with more information, should an article or topic catch your eye. Please be patient waiting for a response. Despite being awesome, The Templars are still only human (for now…)
What’s it take to be a Templar?
If you ask them, they’d say you need to be intelligent, focused, and really, ridiculously good looking. While those things are certainly true, you also need to be passionate about writing in relation to the topics such as nutrition advice, training tips, and life hacks that strengthen our community. Do you practically do HIIT workouts in your sleep, and know smoothie recipes like the back of your hand? It’s your lucky day, because we’re currently looking for high achievers with a strong voice, unique writing style, and the know-how to back it up.
If that sounds like you, please shoot us an email with your detailed application. Don’t forget to let us know why we should consider you you for our kick ass crew of virtual experts.
What’s in it for you?
You mean fame, glory, and a shot at becoming a Temple legend aren’t enough? You’ll also get heaps of complementary nutrition products, a global stage to showcase your writing skills, and a spot in the selection of our Temple Blogging Squad.
The Temple focusses on 9 area’s of expertise as flow from the three key pillars:
Per expertise you will find an athlete, expert or business professional who will shine his or her light on the subject and provide advice where needed.
So who are these brave squad members?
- Nanning
- Tessa
- Sophan
- Etienne
- Ryan
Let us introduce you to some of the Templars:
Peer Rietveld – Rowing Professional
Master in Psychology – Winner of Gold at the Dutch National Championships – Men’s Eight
Peer has been rowing competitively throughout his life as a student. Combining a full-time study with 8 – 10 training sessions a week, resulting in a master’s degree and a title as Dutch national champion. The former competitive rower has picked up cycling and running additionally to stay fit while focusing on making a career. He may answer your questions within his broad range of professional sport experiences and psychological perspectives on life
Consultant in Business Restructuring – Mindfulness Blogger
Interested to write for The Temple?
The Might Templars are always looking for bright and enthusiastic individuals that are willing to share their knowledge on diet, training and life hacks, and who are enthusiast to join our blogging team. If you like the sound of writing for a fast-paced premium nutrition brand in a vibrant international health minded community – and are passionate about contributing to our success – you can apply now!
Not only will you be representing one of Europe’s fastest growing nutrition brands, but you will also open up a whole mix of benefits. These benefits range from your name being on our site, social media channels accompanying your work, to receiving a voucher to spend on site for each article we publish!
To have your article featured on the The Temple simply demonstrates you have a good level of knowledge within these fields. Therefore, feel free to send us your work!