world adventure

Summary:  In this podcast Juan Navarro talks about why he left his promising career and life in Ireland behind for an adventure abroad to Sail the World.

How to Escape the 9-to-5 Routine and Live your Dream

On May 31st 2017, Juan Navarro quit his promising career at HubSpot. He left Ireland with a one way ticket to join a sailing boat in Papua New Guinea.

In this podcast he talks about his Sailing World Adventure and how he get close to his 30’s and going through a quarter life crisis. We also discuss others who took the leap, the quintessential pursuit of happiness and his intention to experiment with a new lifestyle.


Juan and Alain are discussing topics like:

– Leaving a promising career to follow your heart.

– Finding inspiration from digital influencers and normal friends.

– Thinking for yourself and growing ball’s

– The search for meaning and unconventionality.

– Useful resources, like: The 4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris and video’s by Casey Neistat and Peter McKinnon.

If you are interested to read more by Juan we encourage you to have a look at his blog: