Natural Selection & Fitness

Summary: Nanning shares why you should take advantage of your competitive genes in the 21st century. In this blog he draws a parallel with the springbok and our modern society.

Survival of the Fittest: Examples of Natural Selection

Author: Nanning Jacobs
Reading time: 5 minutes

We are evolutionary programmed by our genes that we want to be the fittest. With the key objective that we enable ourselves to reproduce and assure that our genes will have a bright future. However, even with good genes, you need to discipline and motivate yourself to get the maximum result of your talent and show to the world that you are worth it to reproduce.

The metaphor of a springbok antelope

I am a great fan of David Attenborough and I saw and read dozens of series on National Geographic. One of the documentaries I watched was shot at the savannahs of Tanzania during spring. As rain fell down after long periods of draught, new grasses arise, boosting any form of live. For the same reason in this spring period, springbok antelopes give birth in periods of sufficient water and food.

Now, before a male springbok antelope passes along his genes, he performs a mating ritual or a power ritual (I like to say) on the savannah’s. In order to show his relative strength to the ladies, the springbok antelope jumps as high as possible and makes it look like a smooth dance. While trying to impress the female springbok antelopes that carefully watch the show and efforts, the male can fiercely feel the competition that they need to pull this off. Not only the height of their jumps but also the endurance of the show gives the female springbok antelope insights on the fitness of her potential mate.

A small side note…

an additional benefit of being able to jump this high is that potential predators will not put their scarce energy into a prey that seems to be the fittest. This assures that the male springbok antelope is double motivated to show off his fitness. Now, do you want to reproduce and show off your unique capabilities, strengths and be part of the power lifestyle?

Natural Selection & Fitness: Even though the human  selection, both for males and females, is a bit more complex in the 21st century, we can use the above springbok antelope example as a parable to the human presentation and survival of the fittest.

Springboks Antilope Juming – voice; David Attenborough

A small side note; an additional benefit of being able to jump this high; potential predators will not put their scarce energy into a prey that seems to be the fittest. This assures that the male Springbok Antilope is double motivated to show off his fitness.. Now, do you want to reproduce and show off your unique capabilities, strengths and be part of the power lifestyle?

Even though the human fittest selection, both for males and females, is a bit more complex in the 21st century. We can use the above Springbok Antilope example as a parable to the human presentation and survival of the fittest.

Overall Fitness

In short; being able to take care of yourself, both mentally and physically on a personal and professional level signals your overall fitness. Socially liked, pursuing a professional or sport career and being financially independent (to support a family); distinctive factors are constantly being put into the scale.

For each human each factor may have a different weight. However, being fit, energetic, motivated to get the maximum out of life is more than worth to start increasing your changes and be the survivor of the fittest.

Therefore; enrol in our program NOW and make sure you become part of our surviving community!

The success of a Springbok in a nutshell: