Coconut the new Superfood!
Until recently coconuts had a not too appealing reputation for being a cholesterol-rich food that contributed to various heart diseases. This myth is dispelled, and today we consider coconut as a super healthy, delicious, and versatile miracle food. Coconuts are highly nutritious; rich in fiber, essential minerals and vitamins.
A cup of shredded coconut contains the recommended daily intake of:
- 10% Iron
- 60% Manganese
- 11% Potassium
- 17% Copper
- 11% Selenium,
- 5% Zinc
- 9% Phosphorus
- 6% Magnesium
Young v. Mature Coconuts
Generally, there are coconuts with fresh, green skins or with a brown, almost hairy-looking, dry shell. The main difference is age. Young coconuts either have a green shell or when it’s removed, you find a white husk. The other type with the brown shell is the mature coconut. Mature coconuts have firm, thick meat and less water while the young ones contain more water and softer (wobblier) meat.
Both kinds are really healthy, no question about that, but from the two, the young coconuts are the real premiums. They are one of the highest sources of electrolytes hence providing the body with an excellent source of hydration. Instead of buying sugar and chemical-loaded energy drinks, have the water of a young coconut after waking up or even better, after a session at the gym. You will feel the difference.
Health Benefits of Coconuts
There are so many that it is hard to list everything. Here I collected a list of the most important benefits that can be enjoyed when you regularly consume coconut.
- Supports the immune system: it is anti-bacterial, antiviral, and anti-fungal. It also destroys pathogens.
- Hypoallergenic and anti-parasitic
- Promotes weight loss
- It has a low GI ( Glycemic Index) hence reduces sweet cravings, and controls insulin levels. Provides long-lasting satiation that discourages overeating.
- Restores and controls thyroid function
- Reduces risk associated with diabetes
- Helps to protect against kidney disease and bladder infection
- Coconut supplies 61% of our daily dietary fiber (that’s a lot!!)
- Reduces risk of heart problems, and improves good cholesterol
- Helps to keep hair and skin healthy. Delays wrinkles, prevents sagging skin, and dark age spots.
- Removes free radicals that cause premature aging and degenerative disease
- It is a natural source of energy and enhances physical performance
- The essential fatty acids may help to control a form of yeast overgrowth known as Candida
- With its anti-inflammatory properties improves digestion and absorption of nutrients, minerals, and vitamins.
- Helps to protect the body from cancers due to its insulin reduction properties.
- Provides sun protection
- Reduces the risk of hemorrhoids
- Helps to relieve the symptoms of chronic fatigue
Coconut is truly versatile:
There are many ways to use coconut in our everyday consumption. Organic coconut is free of chemicals, coloring, it is as nature created it. You cannot make healthier choices than that! Check out what, where, and how coconut oil can be used:
Coconut Water is low in sugar, carbohydrates, and calories. It is almost fat-free and is high in vitamin B, and proteins.
Coconut Flesh: contains a rich source of proteins, healthy fats, various minerals, and vitamins. It also helps to restore oxidative tissue damage.
Oil: Pure coconut oil (unprocessed, unrefined) comes from mature coconuts. The shredded white flesh is cold-pressed at 32-37 Celsius. It is rich in medium-chain fatty acids that boost metabolism and supports fat loss. Coconut helps to detoxify the body and balances the digestive tract. It metabolizes quickly and burns off as energy instead of deposited fat.
Coconut oil doesn’t have any harmful byproduct when cooking with it at normal cooking temperatures. In a health-conscious kitchen butter, cream, sugar, and flour are often replaced by the variation of coconuts. It is a versatile and delicious food that is easy to find, and recipes are abundant. Coconut oil is a wonderful baking ingredient, and it is easy to use it to make a good variety of vegan and raw desserts too.
Coconut oil is used to prepare to nourish home-made face masks as well as cuticle softener, hand and body moisturizers. It also does wonders for dry scalp and brittle hair.
In your food:
Milk: is made by combining water with shredded coconut meat, and then squeezing it through a sieve. The creamy, but thick liquid can be used for cooking and baking various dishes. It is often used to curries, as well as Asian soups and desserts. I personally often replace cows milk with coconut milk in my morning coffee.
Cream: Coconut cream is actually coconut milk combined with water. Perfect for flavoring and thickening soups and stews, and it is also suitable for baking.
Coconut Sugar: It is easy to replace sugar and sweeteners in your daily diet with coconut sugar. Coconut sugar tastes sweet with a touch of caramel for the aftertaste, and it is similar to brown or caramelized sugar. It is also suitable for consumption in a diabetic diet.
Coconut flour: is a wonderful baking ingredient, it is actually dried and ground coconut meat. It is low in carbohydrates, high in fiber, and also gluten-free.
At the Temple we often use coconut because we are truly nuts about coconuts 😉 Click here to read about one of our Favorite Coconut Recipe: Metabolism Boosting Matcha Coconut Latte